Small Business Projects

Let’s get those projects done!

Occasionally a client will need help with a business project. Many times it is a project they have wanted to get to but just can’t seem to find the time to get it accomplished. At Paradigm Strategies, we can help you get these very important projects done.

Business Model Analysis

Test the strength of your business model with our Business Quotient software, score your business model, create a plan to innovate your current business model to enhance profitability.

Sales & Marketing

Evaluating sales and marketing effectiveness, devising sales strategies, developing your sales and marketing plan, digital and social media programs and handling your entire marking effort if needed.


Organizational analysis, streamlining internal processes, reorganizing and upgrading systems, developing new operational systems for increased control.


Recruiting, hiring and retaining great employees, creating a compensation and incentive plan, crafting employee assessment and review programs and developing employee training plans.


Financial analysis, updating bookkeeping system, creating KPIs and flash reports, budgeting, job costing, improving cash flow and reducing costs.

We base our fees on a flat and or per-diem rate, and we bill out-of-pocket expenses separately. Pricing will depend on the scope of your project and will be determined in our initial meeting.

Book your complementary 30-minute Zoom meeting here to discuss an upcoming project.

Ready to discuss an upcoming business project?