Paradigm Strategies offers various zoom and webinar workshops including our “Half-Retirement Program” and “Post-COVID growth management.”
If you’re thinking about retiring but reluctant about selling your business and giving up your current income, we have a plan for you! Our Half-Retirement Program shows you how to work just a few days a week doing the work you enjoy, keeping your business viable, and maintaining your income.
Together we’ll craft a customized plan – a roadmap for your success. Then, we’ll put it to work and down the road if you decide to sell your business, it will be worth more.
In the wake of the COVID-19 shutdown, businesses need to be ready for “the new normal.” This is why a growth plan is so important. It provides control for you by making your future happen while giving a sense of direction for you and your people.
The plan will allow your organization to attain steady and manageable growth over the coming months and years. Cash flow and profits will improve, operations will become more effective, employee morale and productivity will soar, and lastly, it will reduce organizational stress.
A growth planning is essential for your start-up recovery. A well-written growth plan can play a pivotal role in your small business’s growth and success post shutdown.
View our webinars about these important topics. They offer easy-to-follow explanations and solutions that will help your businesses.
Paradigm Strategies is ready to assist you and your company whether you are a start-up, an established organization, preparing or thinking about retiring, or just need some help to improve your operation and profits.