Read our blog on various topics such as strategic planning, accounting, and operations that you will find informative to help your business.
Check out the article that details our exclusive Half-Retirement Program. Learn how you can keep your business and existing income while working just half the time!
Also, see how you can apply the Marine Corps’ unique leadership strategies to manage your business. This blog lets you in on how the Marines choose and train their leaders.
Other articles include: how to diagnose what’s wrong (and what’s right) with your business, tips on using Facebook for marketing, how to increase employee morale, boost productivity, recruiting, and using social media.
Do you know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is and it’s importance in digital marketing? If you don’t and are not utilizing it, you could be hurting your business. We came across an easy-to-understand short – but to the point – article that will explain how you can boost your SEO rankings to increase traffic to your website that in turn, increases your revenue.
Have you ever underbid a project? If you do, should you eat the cost or ask for more? Learn how to navigate this debacle.
You have dedicated, hardworking employees. You want to keep them, right? The recent “Great Resignation” has made many business owners nervous losing their best people. We found an article about 4 ways to retain your top performers.
While you want to keep your best workers, you want to hire the best as well. There are two articles that will give you insight about how to attract the best employees and what red flags you need to watch out for during the interview process.