Now that I have discussed how the Marine Corps develops its front line managers’ leadership skills, I will move on to their middle managers – senior NCOs and junior officers. I will start with two of the six techniques the Corps uses and how these practices will benefit your company.
1. The Marine Corps demands that their officers and senior NCOs understand the big picture. This allows for better decision-making when events change. Managers who see the big picture can see how their people contribute to the company’s success. They can also appreciate the contributions of others and recognize when things may be going wrong. And lastly, they can better direct their people and inspire their managers by making them aware of their importance to company goals.
2. Building a strong team is also important to the Marine Corps. No organization stresses self-reliance like the Marine Corps, and no organization teaches teamwork with greater emphasis. In military life, the Corps’ mission is accomplished because Marines are working together. In civilian life, there is a bond that non-Marines do not understand, and for Marines, this bond lasts forever. Managers too must build comradery amongst their team members. This will boost morale, productivity and attract great talent.
In my next two blogs I will continue my discussion on the Corps’ middle manager leadership techniques. If you would like to speak with us about creating a topnotch leadership-driven company culture or have a business question or issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to us via our website Contact page.