Growth Planning Post COVID-19 Shutdown: Key Objective, Strategies & Tactics

In today’s blog I will be discussing steps three through five of creating your COVID-19 shutdown growth plan, establishing key objectives, crafting business strategies, and constructing business tactics.

Key objectives clarify what you are trying to accomplish in specific, measurable goals.  There are many types of objectives and your plan should include a wide variety. The three most important categories for your growth plan should be sales and marketing, financial and operations – notably personnel.  I suggest establishing five to six key objectives. Remember, objectives are your primary tool for accountability.

Strategies are the SMART sub-goals you will craft to achieve your key objectives.   Each key objective should have four to five strategies and be linked to your SWOT analysis. They must address both internal and external influences that are affecting your business.   A properly created set of strategies will define your organization and keep it focused.

Tactics are the SMART action items you will construct to achieve your strategies.  Every strategy should have four to five action-oriented tactics. They too must address both internal and external influences that are affecting your business.   A properly constructed set of tactics will clearly define the tasks you and your team need to accomplish to achieve your defined business objectives and move your company forward – not back.

My next blog will cover creating KPIs and your flash report.  As always, if you have a business question or issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to me via our Contact page here on our website,

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Growth Planning Post COVID-19 Shutdown: SMART Goals
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Growth Planning Post COVID-19 Shutdown: KPIs & Flash Report