Marine Corps Leadership Basics for Business – Senior Management, Part 2

In my last blog I spoke about two practices the Marine Corps uses to develop their senior NCOs and senior officers.  In this post I would like to share two additional proven techniques.

3. The Marine Corps has a no-frills culture. The Corps offers the fewest amenities of all the other branches of service.  Marines do not feel deprived by this, just being a Marine is the greatest “perk” of them all.  Upper management should realize that morale is not proportionally linked to increased amenities.  Leadership should focus on being the best company in their industry and less on superficial niceties.  This will allow the business to thrive in this extremely competitive business environment.

4. The Marine Corps values self-assurance and has refined organizational confidence-building to a science. This undertaking starts in boot camp and continues throughout the Marine’s military career.  Elements include our storied history and reputation, Marine One, the Presidential Band, Marines guarding the White House and all US embassies, and the famous Iwo Jima monument.  Management too must instill confidence in the minds of its people and customers to be successful.

In my next blog I will wrap up my discussion on how the Marine Corps develops its senior NCOs and senior officers.  If you would like to speak with us about creating a topnotch leadership-driven company culture or have a business question or issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to us via our website Contact page.

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Marine Corps Leadership Basics for Business – Senior Management
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Marine Corps Leadership Basics for Business – Senior Management, Part 3